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Review: WordPress 1.5

In Conclusion...

( Page 6 out of 6 )

WordPress is one of the best blogging tools around, and probably the best PHP-based one. I use WordPress for my own blog, and I'm loving it. Before WP, I used a custom tool, and since I've switched to WP is just so much easier.

WordPress has everything you need, plus more. And best of all, it's a breeze to use. You don't need to be a complete geek to be able to use it. But, if you do want to dive in, you can go right ahead because it's written in PHP and the code is very clean. A lot of OOP is used, and it's very easy to make a few small changes here and there. Not to mention the plugin architecture, which makes it even easier to add new functionality to WordPress.

I wholeheartedly recommend WordPress to anyone looking for a good free PHP blogging tool.It just doesn't get any better.

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Script Details
Cost: Free
Version: 1.5
Homepage: Visit
Review Index
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Ease-of-Use
  4. The Theme Editor
  5. Support & Community
  6. In Conclusion...
About the author
Dennis Pallett is the main contributor to PHPit. He owns several websites, including ASPit and Chill2Music. He is currently still studying.