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Review: WordPress 1.5


( Page 2 out of 6 )

The installation of WordPress is actually very famous, as they actively market it as the "famous 5-minute installation", and they're not exaggerating! Installation really does take 5 minutes, or even less. On my localhost, it took me less than a minute to install WordPress.

The only thing I had to do was edit the WP configuration file, enter my database information, and run the wp-install file. Clicked 'next' a few times, and I was done. WP was installed, and my blog could be viewed.

This is the way all PHP scripts should be installed. No fussing about with files, or configuration files. Just upload and install. That's all.

After you've installed WP, you should login to your admin panel, and edit some settings. This is an area where I find WP slightly lacking. If you don't have any experience with WP, you probably don't know what you should edit to make it work properly. I recommend you edit your profile, and at least change the password, and your name, so that it doesn't say 'admin' on your blog page. I think it would've been better if WP would ask you for your admin details during the installation, but who knows, maybe a future version will have this.

It's probably wise to go through the settings as well, and change whatever you think needs changing. I usually leave them set to the default. You might want to go to 'Manage' as well, and delete the post that has been added as an example.

Overall, the installation of WordPress is one of the easiest installations, and shouldn't require much technical knowledge. Some webhosts also make it even easier, if that's even possible, by offering one-click WordPress installations through their control panel.

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Script Details
Cost: Free
Version: 1.5
Homepage: Visit
Review Index
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Ease-of-Use
  4. The Theme Editor
  5. Support & Community
  6. In Conclusion...
About the author
Dennis Pallett is the main contributor to PHPit. He owns several websites, including ASPit and Chill2Music. He is currently still studying.