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Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks

(Page 4 out of 4)

eZ Components

ez Components isn't so much a framework, but more of a collection of components, and that's probably why it doesn't come with inbuilt support for MVC.

It comes with most of the usual components, like a database component and a caching component, but it's also lacking a few things. For instance, it doesn't have a ActiveRecord component or a authentication component. On the other hand, it does have a few other extra components, like an e-mail component, but there aren't many, and other frameworks (like the Zend Framework) offer more.


CodeIgniter is a relatively new framework, by the makers of ExpressionEngine, and it looks quite promising. Unfortunately, it doesn't handle multiple databases yet, although that is in the works.

It's inspired by Ruby on Rails, and it offers much of the same functionality, like scaffolding. It has excellent documentation, and they've even got video tutorials to get you going.

And the winner is...

I'm going to have to disappoint you here, as there isn't a winner. Each framework offers different functionality, and there is no clear winner. Just like most things, it comes down to preference and personal choice. I highly suggest you look through the documentation of each framework above, and decide yourself which framework you like best.

Personally, I really like the Zend Framework at the moment, but as I've been investigating each framework, I've seen many other interesting features, like Prado's events or Symfony's ORM implementation.

If you absolutely can't decide on what framework to use, you can always do what most people do: write your own. It may take more time, but it's a hell of a lot fun.

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below or join us at PHPit Forums. Also, if you find any incorrect information in the chart or this article, please let me know so I can correct it.

« Previous: WACT, Prado, PHP On Trax, ZooP

127 Responses to “Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks”

  1. Quoc Bao Says:

    Cool article :) , this article gives me lot of information about current PHP Frameworks :D .


  2. nvidiaFX » Blog Archive » Top 10 PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] read more | digg story […]

  3. amokoura Says:

    According to the chart I would simply choose Seagull. I might even use it in my next project and wait until Zend’s incredible machine becomes more mature.

  4. Richard@Home Says:

    Just a heads up: The latest release of CakePHP (0.10 Final) has support for caching and every release has had templates (it is an MVC framework after all).

  5. Richard@Home Says:

    oh… and ORM too. The model/controller is based on the ActiveRecord pattern.

  6. Poker Guide Says:

    Very useful (at least for me) once my php got a bit more complicated.

  7. kag Says:

    CakePHP has released a final version (0.10) of its framework today!

  8. App Says:

    Your review of Symfony is incorrect, it has a templating system built in as well as modules! Please do your research!

  9. App Says:

    I should note that Symfony also allows for alternate templating systems, like Smarty.

  10. Steve Says:

    What is a PHP framework?


  11. Sam’s random musings » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks Says:

    […] Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks: From, there’s this article posted that takes a look at ten of the more prominent PHP frameworks offered today, including the Zend Framework, Cake, Symfony, and Seagull. They compare each of them, including a large chart outlining their basic setup and features. […]

  12. TheMadAdmin » Blog Archive » PHP Frame Works Review Says:

    […] PHP Frame Works […]

  13. Top 10 PHP Frameworks at Vortexmind: free your mind Says:

    […] read more | digg story No Tags Bookmark this to:             […]

  14. Jason Ragsdale Says:

    Just FYI Prado supports caching

  15. Daniel Hofstetter Says:

    There is a small mistake in the chart: CakePHP has built-in caching in the current version (0.10).

  16. Plezops Says:

    The seagull framework supports ORM for RAD, so it should be marked on your chart.

    Other than that, excellent chart.

  17. qtychr Says:

    You did not even mention qcodo. I have tested them all and I believe qcodo is the best. Check out the demos. It is the most complete and up to date framework.

  18. Andrew Says:


    CakePHP has ActiveRecord. It says so on the first line of the website under “What is CakePHP?”. (

    It also has templating. Under “Key Features”, again on the front page, “fast, flexible templating (PHP syntax with helper methods)” (

    The latest release has caching - again read their website. (

    Not sure what you mean by modules, but I think components, plugins and helpers are pretty much the same thing.

    I think that means Cake ticks all the right boxes - take a look and see if you agree with me.


  19. Daniel Hofstetter Says:

    Yesterday, the first stable version of CakePHP has been released.

  20. cake baker Says:

    Comparison of ten PHP frameworks

    Dennis Pallett compares in an article ten popular PHP frameworks. He writes about CakePHP:

    CakePHP is mostly an advanced MVC framework, with a few extra modules added on top. It can handle most of the database stuff for you, and it includes support fo…

  21. Pat Says:

    I prefer Mojavi….

  22. Christian Asche » PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks Says:

    […] Frameworks. In der PHP Szene ist dieser Begriff schon fast so nervig wie das Wort „Enterprise“. Dennoch ein interessantes Thema. PHPit vergleicht 10 verschiedene PHP frameworks. […]

  23. Cake! Says:

    You forgot CakePHP !

  24. John Says:

    It would be nice to know what a framework is. Just one sentance would have been nice.

  25. Home Page » PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks Filed under: Programming, Articles, Web Development […]

  26. nate Says:

    In your chart, it show CakePHP with no Object Relational Mapping. This is not the case:


    “Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping…”

  27. nate Says:

    Also, CakePHP has recently released 0.10 Final, which does support both page caching and query caching.

  28. Some Guy Says:

    Why wasn’t agavi covered? Agavi is more complete in many respects than the frameworks listed above. Agavi along with propel/creole provides a ‘check’ for all of the features listed above.

  29. » Blog Archive » Zehn verschiedene PHP Frameworks im Vergleich. Says:

    […] Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks […]

  30. Supernerd Says:

    Zoop Framework and Seagull seem to be the most full featured on this list, both having 10 of 12 checks.

    The upcoming Zoop Framework 1.2 adds caching support and is slated to be released April 2006.

    They are also the most mature frameworks on the list.

  31. clous Says:

    Drupal would have green checkboxes all the way across, except for ORM.

  32. Rhodes Says:

    With all due respect, this article is all but worthless. Where are the feature comparisons? Where is the benchmark and performance data? What are the fundamental differences/strengths/weaknesses of each one? How does each framework stack up when performing the most common web development tasks? Etc…

  33. S.S. Intrepid Says:

    PHP framework comparison chart

    "Framework" seems to be the PHP buzzword of 2006. Choosing the right framework for your project is an involved task, but you can refer to this handy "at a glance" PHP framework comparison chart from to get you going in th…

  34. Says:

    Comparativa de los 10 mejores frameworks de PHP

    Una comparativa muy útil a la hora de decidir cuál framework de PHP utilizar en nuestros proyectos.
    Lastima que de esa comparativa ninguna tiene todas las características, que opinais? habeis usado alguno de estos?

  35. gaarf *word* press dotcom » Blog Archive » Top 10 PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] read more | digg story […]

  36. Ann Says:

    I think this is a deceptive chart. I’ve used Symfony and Seagull and they are very different in fundamental ways and comparing them this way is misleading. I think that Symfony is a much better framework, but the chart would make you believe they are on par. (For the record Symfony has templating and modules.) I haven’t tried cakephp, but of the other top contenders Symfony is the best and most forward-thinking product–you can create really powerful web 2.0 apps with it very quickly. I love it!

  37. Ivo Jansch Says:

    Nice comparison, but how is ‘popular’ measured?

    My only concern here is the apples vs. oranges comparison. There are frameworks in the list that aren’t frameworks but component libraries. If you list ez components and zend framework, you might as well list PEAR, which is no less a framework than some of the others are, but very popular nevertheless.

  38. » Blog Archive » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks Says:

    […] […]

  39. Son Nguyen Says:

    Nice comparison chart. Just see PHP on TRAX for the first time and thinking of renaming our own framework to something like “PHP on Crack” or “PHP on Steroid” to be catchy :)

  40. Steve Page Says:

    This is some pretty good information.

    I have a question:

    I am an IT guy, Systems Admin. Looking to work on some serious web projects. If I am somewhat new to programming/web development (besides pure html), which way would you recommend, a PHP Framework, or Ruby on Rails? From the point of view of someone starting from scratch. If a PHP framework, then which one?

    Thanks a lot to anyone who answers this.

  41. William Says:

    This article is useless. We need performance comparisons, reviews of the documentation, strengths and weaknesses, and descriptions of how well these claimed features are implemented.

  42. Manny Says:

    Correction: CodeIgniter does support multiple databases…

  43. » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks Says:

    […] A look at ten popular frameworks, and compare them to each other. […]

  44. Dennis Pallett Says:

    Thanks for the heads-up on CakePHP’s caching. I changed the chart. As for the templates; I’m looking for more than just regular views, and there should be a seperate template engine of some sorts that allows tags or something similar. Unless CakePHP also supports this?

    App: I took another look, but couldn’t find a real template engine in Symfony, and only found regular PHP-based views. I couldn’t find anything about Smarty integration either. Could you point me to the right docs? Thanks.

    Jason Ragsdale: you’re right, and I missed it. My bad, and thanks for letting me know. I’ve changed the chart.

    Plezops: I just checked, and you’re right. I’ve fixed the chart, thanks for letting me know.

    Andrew: you’re right about the ORM, and I’ve updated the chart. As for the templating, I don’t think Cake qualifies, as I’m looking for more than just PHP-based views. I’m actually looking for a powerful template engine, like Smarty, Savant, etc. Or custom solutions like Prado and ZooP.

    Thanks for all the great comments everyone, and if you notice anymore wrong information let me know. Also, I’ll try to keep the chart up-to-date as much as possible.

  45. Septum Says:

    The chart doesn’t really do something like the Zend Framework justice. It is unique in that you have much more freedom in how you want to arrange your application. It focuses on simplicity of implementation more than the others and lets you use bits and pieces where you want to. The other frameworks lock you in to a relativley rigid application structure and naming convention. The downside to it is that it requires more advanced PHP skills to utilize effectively (an upside, really, for more advanced developers).

  46. kitune Says:

    Leave PHP.


  47. professional blog » Gute �bersicht �ber bestehende PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] dino @ 11:21 pm Auf der Seite von [1] findet sich eine kurze Zusammenfassung �ber die wichtigsten PHPFrameworks, die sich derzeit auf dem Markt befinden. Mit darunter ist z.B. Das Zend Framework [2], das Symfony Projekt [3] oder eZ Components [4]. Auf einer kurzen �bersicht kann man die Eigenschaften der einzelnen Frameworks sehr gut �berschauen. Was sehr interessant aussieht und eine Portierung von Ruby on Rails auf PHP versucht ist das Projekt PHP on Trax [5]. […]

  48. It tastes like burning » links for 2006-03-20 Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks (tags: read+later PHP) […]

  49. Compari » Varien Blog :: Los Angeles Web Development and E-Commerce Solution Firm Says:

    […] A quick overview of ten popular PHP Frameworks. […]

  50. KinG Says:

    I don’t think Cake has a real template engine either. But who cares, I prefer PHP native style view, muhahaha.

    Now I should consider about Cake’s rich features to enrich my own now :)

  51. » links for 2006-03-20 Says:

    […] Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks (tags: php) […]

  52. » Blog Archive » Frameworks PHP Says:

    […] Daniel Pallet publicou um artigo comparando 10 frameworks PHP, ele resume as características em uma tabela e faz comentários sobre cada um deles. […]

  53. Bobo Says:

    KinG? Do you know QQ group?
    Ha~~~,we have released our new project named KISSPHP to sf….,
    if you are keeping on find a way to write less code to achive more complex web applications,U’d better try our kissphp=>Keep It Simple Style in Php,you’ll love it it!

  54. Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut Says:

    CakePHP could have all the checks in the above chart.
    Our framework allows you to extend the view, doing this you can use any template system you want in Cake.

    I wrote this class a while ago to give people an idea how to extend it, this is the SmartyView.

    And we have helpers and components (modules) that ship with the core, many more are found on CakeForge site.

  55. pcdinh Says:

    Where is SolarPHP?

  56. Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks » - techvolution (technology evolution) Says:

    […] Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks, read PHP MVC Frameworks before. Posted by | […]

  57. Сергей Куракин » Все идут к Eclipse, сравнения 10 php framework Says:

    […] Вспоминая Zend и их, пока полный провал с выходом их Zend Framework, отмечу сравнительную статью 10 php framework. Кто-то не поленился сравнить 10 разных php framework, подняв немалую дисскусию по этой теме. Zend Framework я так ещё и не посмотрел, зато в начитался критики от адекватных людей. PHP, Web — Сергей Куракин @ 09:19 Комментариев по теме нет » […]

  58. brave new world » Blog Archive » Untitled Says:

    […] 这是一个连接。介绍了流行的php架构。 […]

  59. Sandro Groganz Says:

    eZ components:

    * upcoming v1.1 will ship with templates, RSS/Atom, DatabaseSchema, etc.
    EBNF of templates component:

    * future plans might include MVC, a framework component, etc.

    * the reasoning, why they don’t try to be a fit-all framework:

  60. Ivan Minic Says:

    Zend seems to be quite decent..

  61. LOLO punto ES » Blog Archive » Enlaces geeks Says:

    […] Comparativa de 10 frameworks para PHP […]

  62. SIXFACE · links for 2006-03-20 Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks (tags: php Programming reference) No Tags […]

  63. sonny Says:

    What about the Horde Application Framework ?

    It has been around for years, and was recently released in version 3.1.

    Would have been interesting to see this compared to the ones on the list. I know that there are many frameworks, and you can’t list them all. But Horde seems to be an obvious example.

    And, thanks for this article!

  64. Dingjie’s Room » Seagull Framework Says:

    […] 在 CakePHP 目前看起來還沒有很明朗的情況下,參考這篇文章決定來試試看 Seagull Framework。 […]

  65. Richard@Home Says:

    Cake doesn’t tie itself to any one templating system. That is one of its strengths.

    You could in theory use any templating system. Here’s how to get CakePHP to use Smarty for example:

    I get the impression you didn’t realy research any of these products. Did you just go the homepage of each one and check off their list of features against your own requirement list?

  66. Onion的天空 » 10大主流PHP开发框架PK Says:

    […] PHPit 昨天对目前主流的PHP开发框架进行了细致的比较.原文这里阅读 […]

  67. Oth Says:

    #10: Indicates whether the framework has other modules, like an RSS feed parser, PDF module or anything else (useful).
    What do you mean by modules I’m lost, those are frameworks not CMSs you do know that, right ? you do also know that Components/Plugins/vendors are what you call Modules in framework’s terminology ? If that’s what you are refering to, then check CakePHP’s Wiki, you can integrate PDF, Rss, whatever you want..
    also seagull uses pear::flexy, that’s an exterior thingy, they didn’t write flexy, now did they ?
    Well, as previously mentionned, you can integrate, in theory, whatever templating engine you want in CakePHP.

  68. Dennis Pallett Says:

    I didn’t just have a look at the homepage, but actually did some thorough research, and tried to be as accurate as possible. While it’s true that I didn’t test each framework individually, I did:

    - download each framework, and installed it
    - look through the documentation for its functionality
    - look through the source to check for any missing features
    - check out the demo’s
    - do some Google searches to find any more information.

    I made a few mistakes here and there, but in general it’s a fair comparison, and the chart is quite accurate.

    Oth: by “other modules” I mean extra functionality that isn’t listed in the chart, like handling PDF’s (Zend), Feed components, web services, Json, etc.

  69. Blog » Blog Archive » PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] If you’re wondering which PHP framework will work for you or you’re getting headache by just thinking about them you should take a look on this article. There is also quick overview of 10 most popular frameworks here. I personally like Symfony. […]

  70. » Top 10 PHP Frameworks » SomeCoders Says:

    […] There is a nice list of 10 frameworks and brief reviews. All of them support PHP 5, and a handful have PHP 4 support. They have features ranging from AJAX engines to caching, it’s quite the list. Check it out here. […]

  71. Paul Lomax Says:


    What you’re calling ‘modules’, symfony calls ‘plugins’ - and they just so happen to have a PDF and Feed plugin. See


  72. Web 2.0 Watch » Blog Archive » Which PHP Framework should you use? Says:

    […] This article at has a great chart comparing the features of the top 10 PHP frameworks. You know what to do […]

  73. the jackol’s den»Blog Archive » Ten Different PHP Frameworks - Mikhail Esteves Says:

    […] Link php, framework | Bookmark on • • • […]

  74. Ian Says:

    Contrary to the review, Symfony allows “Modules” (in Symfony they are called “Plugins”). There are several early implementations of plugins available for symfony that include image manipulation, graphing and PDF generation.

    Symfony also has allows provides instructions to use the Smarty Template system instead of traditional PHP pages as templates.

  75. Script Artists » Blog Archive » PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] 10 Frameworks im Vergleich: Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks. Mit dabei u.a. Zend Framework, Prado und CakePHP. […]

  76. Jonathan Lambert Says:

    I see a number of factual errors in your post regarding the frameworks, some of which are listed on the front pages or tech pages of the projects your reviewing.

    Also, I don’t see this as a material comparison of these frameworks. Unfortunately, many of them take a radically different approach from one another, so this kind of comparison is Apples to Oranges. You might consider adding as well.

    It’s nice to see someone trying!

  77. » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks Says:

    […] Full article here. […]

  78. » Because I Write Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks (tags: php framework) No Tags […]

  79. 孙秀楠宝宝网站 » links for 2006-03-23 Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks (tags: php framework) […]

  80. Pieter Claerhout Says:

    It’s a bit sad to see that the Yellow Duck Framework is missing from the list. It has the features that are listed in the table:

    - PHP4: YES
    - PHP5: YES
    - MVC: no
    - Multiple DB’s: YES (supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite)
    - ORM: YES (YDDatabaseObject)
    - DB Objects: YES (YDDatabaseObject)
    - Templates: YES (smarty)
    - Caching: NO
    - Validation: YES
    - AJAX: YES
    - Auth Module: YES
    - Modules: lots, like YDGraph, YDPdf, YDCart, YDFeedCreator, YDInstaller, YDMySQLDump
    - Documentation: YES, a 300+ page user guide and full API documentation

    More on:

  81. nate Says:

    Let The Record Reflect:

    I don’t know how you can say the Zend Framework has “MVC”: First of all, it’s barely a loose collection of components as it is, and for that matter, they don’t even have an “M” yet (note the decided *lack* of ActiveRecord implementation, or even an attempt at it).

    Bottom line: Don’t expect much. I guess they don’t realize it yet, but they can’t have it both ways. It’s a shame that Zend has bought this far into their own hype, I can only hope that no one else does.

    As for the claims that it’s more efficient for “advanced” developers, I categorically disagree. Having written software for the last 12 years, I can tell you that there’s nothing about it that makes it any more efficient than your run-of-the-mill component library. They make you do all the structure yourself.

    Seagull: I don’t know why people keep confusing Seagull for a web development framework. Seagull is *at best* a bloated groupware application with something of an API.

    CakePHP: As others have said, CakePHP checks every box on the list and then some. The View tier is completely extensible, and classes have already been written to integrate it with Smartys. Not that the idea that templates can’t use native PHP isn’t patently ridiculous. Not only that, but no modules? is an entire site completely devoted to applications and “modules” that extend CakePHP.

    Symfony: It’s not a *bad* framework, but neither is it very efficient. Low signal-to-noise ratio.

    PHP on Trax: Not too bad. Not as many features as the others, but very lightweight and not a bad place to start if on PHP5.

    Prado: Are you kidding me? I might as well use .NET

    In summary, I think the review as a whole is far too simplistic, and while I believe the effort in and of itself should be appreciated (and maybe this could be a springboard for a more in-depth review), the fact that the initial publication of the article didn’t even include a check indicating that CakePHP supported ORM, when that is one of the key features (as stated right on the home page), only serves to underscore the lack of research and review time which was put into it.

  82. » Blog Archive » links for 2006-03-22 Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks (tags: php framework) No Tags […]

  83. เว็บก้0ง » PHP Framework Says:

    […] ช่วงนี้เห็นในชุมชน PHP พูดถึง PHP Framework กันมาก แสดงให้เห็นว่าการเขียนเว็บแบบเดิมคงเริ่มจะหมดแล้วมาสู่ยุคเว็บแบบ OO แล้ว แต่การที่เลือกใช้ Framework ตัวไหนก็ยังเป็นเรื่องยากเหมือนกันเพราะแต่ละตัวก็มีข้อดีข้อต่างไม่เหมือนกัน ที่เห็นน่าสนใจก็มี เช่น CakePHP, Seagull Framework, Zoop Framework, PHP on TRAX และก็ของ Zend เองก็มี Zend Framework ที่ยังเป็นเบต้าอยู่ (ยังมีอีกหลายตัวลองดูได้ที่ โดยส่วนตัวก็ยังไม่ได้ลองพวก framework พวกนี้เลย ไว้ถ้าได้ลองแล้วจะเอามาโพสอีกทีละกัน ตอนนี้เอาตารางเปรียบเทียบไปดูละกันครับ […]

  84. bbbsoo Says:


    I think your overview is a little incomplete. I would like to see a list of what each of these frameworks needs to work. Besides just PHP and database versions are there any more things they need? I read some use pear, but it would be nice to see how each one handles the functionality it provides.

    I do agree that it is mostly personal preference. So far I have been very pleased with CakePHP, mostly cause it is a very simple install and does not require me to update any packages outside of its own.

  85. rollan Says:

    Zend Framework ( ) is under active development. SolarPHP ( ) which shares same architecture seems to be more mature and ready to use than Zend. These two framework are developed by most talented developers. They should be considered at first

    CakePHP and Symphony are interesting too. Good docs, good community.

    PHP on Trax, where is its documentation? I think it is dead.

    Prado, a product from a Chinese and inspired version, I dont care.

    Seagull, I can not differentiate it from a its own API-based application.

  86. Alex Says:

    At least, one thing are missed -> PEAR - required or no?!?
    As for me it’s a really first thing I’ve always checking when selecting solution for my projects. I DON’T LIKE PEAR and it’s important for me.
    From the proposed list, I like CodeIgniter & still waiting for completing Zend Framework.

  87. Ah Knight’s Blog » Going Back To PHP ? Says:

    […] ruby, rubyonrails, zoop posted in Something About Tech Trackback URL | Comment RSS Feed | Incoming links +Furl It +Spurl +Tag!RawSugar +Simpy This! +Blink It +MyWeb  Post To:                      […]

  88. » Co mě zaujalo Says:

    […] Nette zvyšuje v české kotlince zájem o různé PHP frameworky. Na webu PHPit vyšel článek, který jich pár srovnává. Mimochodem, už jste četli Why I Hate Frameworks? […]

  89. Capuccino Productions Inc. Says:

    […] Taking a look at 10 different PHP frameworks: un art�culo en que se describen brevemente y se comparan 10 diferentes frameworks para PHP. Muy interesante, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que no sab�a que exist�an frameworks para PHP :P […]

  90. Santhosh Dot Net » Blog Archive » Links for 2006-03-20 Says:

    […] 1 - PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks (tags: reference Programming php) […]

  91. Straw Dogs Code Blog » Blog Archive » PHP Frameworks Review Says:

    […] Browsing the pragramming tags earlier today I came across an interesting review of some of the major PHP frameworks floating around at the moment. It should be noted though that there seems to have been some unfair omissions of CakePHP’s features in the accompanying chart and review. […]

  92. Steven Birch Says:

    Please update CodeIgniter, it does currently support multiple databases:

    1. Several other database platforms are now supported:

    ODBC (not tested)
    MS SQL (not tested)

    2. The active record features have been spun off into their own class, offering much more customizable queries (joins are now supported too). The active record syntax has also been simplified in many cases, and if you’re running PHP 5 you can even do method chaining.

    So far I’ve tested all the platforms except MS SQL or ODBC. By the way, I’ve greatly simplified the database adapters so it’s quite easy to add new databases.

  93. Wisiwip » Blog Archive » PHP’s Framework Says:

    […] Có một bài trên phpIt về các framework hiện tại của PHP . Thấy đọc cũng hay , quăng vô blog chơi . […]

  94. 10 PHP frameworks [builder2] Says:

    […] This quick overview of ten of the more popular PHP development frameworks should help you in choosing the right one for your next project, based on your requirements. With the emergence of new methodologies and techniques, PHP frameworks continue to grow in number and complexity. This list can narrow down your choices to a lesser number, allowing you to evaluate your candidates more effectively. […]

  95. Comparativa de frameworks PHP Says:

    […] PHPit publica una mini-comparativa de frameworks en PHP. El artículo no entra en muchos detalles sobre las capacidades de cada framework, pero es una buena manera de informarse de qué opciones tienes disponibles si necesitas un buen framework y no quieres pasarte a Rails :D […]

  96. gyo Says:

    If you update the chart with CodeIgniter features as multiple dbs and active record, maybe a a critical hit to the final result!
    Check CodeIgniter v1.3 features:

  97. 59ideas | links for 2006-04-12 Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks comparison of php frameworks (tags: framework php development opensource) […]

  98. » Blog Archive » Analisis de los principales framework para php Says:

    […] ha llevado a caba un analisis de los principales frameworks disponibles para PHP. Te mostramos el resumen a continuaci�n. […]

  99. Björn Says:

    Just to let you know the eZ components do include a template engine… so the table is a bit false

  100. 59ideas | links for Apr 10 - 16 Says:

    […] PHPit - Totally PHP » Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks comparison of php frameworks (tags: framework php development opensource) […]

  101. Simonas Nareckas » dienoraštis » Tobulo framework’o beieškant… Says:

    […] Nesenai paskaičiau straipsnį apie 10 PHP framework’ų, tiesa straipsnis nelabai vykęs, bet apskritai paėmus šis straipsnis turi daug tiesos. Viena iš j, kad nėra framework’o kuris būtų optimalus visais glaimais panaudos atvejais. Šiuo metu įmonėj naudojam ZNF, kuris turi ir savo trukūmų. Tačiau buvo pasirinktas šis dėl tikrai vikusios sprendimo minties, tačiau su realizacija kažkiek tai sušlubuota. Viena iš pagrindinių gerų šio fraework’o pusių yra labai griežta modulinė struktūra aprašoma xml failais. Tiesa dar visai nemažai gerų žodžių teko girdėti apie CakePHP. Tiesa savo rankomis neteko čiupinėti, tačiau bandęs kolega neliko nusivylęs, tiesa šiek tiek liūdina kad nera default’inio smarty template’ų palaikymo, nors galima jį pasidaryti pačiam pasiskaičius jų forumus. Štai ką cake developeriai patys sako: […]

  102. Tony Weblog » Blog Archive » php frameworks Says:

    […] Tags:ajax framekwork PHP Symfony […]

  103. Entrepreneur Geek » Blog Archive » PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] PHPit has a nice article comparing ten frameworks. It is not indepth, but gives you an overview of the features available in each. Each framework is distinct in its own right, so the decision to go for one is in your hands. […]

  104. .:: ㊣Inosin℃ -> Blog ::. » 十个最流行的php Framework Says:

    […]  phpit.net上对十种当今最受欢迎的php框架进行了比较,打算采用php framework开发项目的朋友可以借鉴参考,看哪一种最适合你! […]

  105. e Says:

    PHP on Trax documentation is out of control now. PHP on Trax was for the most part a one man show until recently, so now things are moving along quite nicely. If you go to the PHP on Trax documentation page, then click on the first link there (API), you will see lots of goodies. And yes, to my knowledge, the framework is lighter and more flexible and faster to develop on, than most frameworks out there–please verify.

  106. Crashpod » Blog Archive » The Rise of PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] 10 Different PHP Frameworks […]

  107. Entering PHP » PHP framework comparison Says:

    […] Here is a link to the site that compares 10 of the 40 frameworks for PHP. Worth a read! Framework Comparison […]

  108. otro blog m�s » Unos cuantos de desarrollo web (LXXXIX) Says:

    […] De salida, un poco de PHP. Salido del developerWorks de IBM: una ‘webograf�a’ recomendada y Devise Web 2.0 applications with PHP and DHTML (con su segunda parte). De O’Reilly, una discusi�n sobre la escalabilidad de PHP (tomando a Digg como ejemplo). Como de costumbre, un repaso a diferentes frameworks: Zephyr y zoop (para el desarrollo AJAX) y una comparativa de diez de ellos. […]

  109. will Says:

    Lame. Pick for yourself? err ok, why did i read your review? You could at least wheedle out the bad ones for me.

  110. Adhiarta Says:

    I think MODx ( is the best php framework and CMS

  111. Max Says:

    If you want a fast and friendly php framework you have to used Green Orange PHP Framework.

  112. php_pro Says:

    I’ve used openbiz framework It is not so well known, but it completes all framework features. The coolest thing is its metadata-driven nature which allows developers to build applications mostly without coding. Also it has Eclipse plugin tool to help development with wizards.
    - PHP4: YES for earlier version
    - PHP5: YES
    - MVC: YES (its MVC is more like JSF not struts)
    - Multiple DB’s: YES (with ADODB)
    - ORM: YES (Flexible mapping with metadata, SQL-like language)
    - DB Objects: YES (BizDataObj)
    - Templates: YES (smarty)
    - Caching: YES (with BizDataObj)
    - Validation: YES (on both client and server side)
    - AJAX: YES (it was built on AJAX from the first version)
    - Auth Module: YES (customerizable auth modules)
    - Modules: YES (developers can always add more by writing plugin services)

  113. Holografix Says:

    ez Component in its latest version has a Template component.

  114. saint Says:

    Cake does have a rich set of features, but the design is screwed up and the documentation in bad shape (not the worst of all the frameworks though … )

    A framework has two common point of view: one, scaffold the most likely application execution path all the way from dispatching through controller, model and view. This “all-in-one” approach in Cake etc makes simple apps (which do not challenge the design assumption) relatively easy (80%) , at the expense of other 20% of apps have to jump through hoop.

    The better strategy is to scaffold an execution path only from dispatch to the target controller, with options to override default behaviour, and provide the rest of the framework as a toolkit of APIs. This is the approach with Mojavi which I like better, as it allows me to take a non-MVC app (like a CMS) and adapt it without rearchitecting from the ground up.

  115. Top 10 PHP Frameworks - The Digg Effect - Search for Diggs or get Dugg Says:

    […] In this article we will look at ten popular frameworks, and compare them to each other. First I will give you a general chart which gives you a quick overview of all the frameworks, and after that we’ll go through each framework and discuss it in more | digg story […]

  116. COLD CASE » Blog Archive » Top 10 PHP Frameworks Says:

    […] read more | digg story Explore posts in the same categories: coldcase […]

  117. Alex Says:

    If you’d like to try out yet another Framework in PHP, you can take a look at PHPWebBuilder. It supports object relational mapping, a component-based MVC, and transparent AJAX support.

  118. Moses Dinakaran Says:

    I haven been Using Yellow Duck framework which makes me to Love PHP

    It Features the Following

    - PHP4: YES
    - PHP5: YES
    - MVC: no
    - Multiple DB’s: YES (supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite)
    - ORM: YES (YDDatabaseObject)
    - DB Objects: YES (YDDatabaseObject)
    - Templates: YES (smarty)
    - Caching: NO
    - Validation: YES
    - AJAX: YES
    - Auth Module: YES
    - Modules: lots, like YDGraph, YDPdf, YDCart, YDFeedCreator, YDInstaller, YDMySQLDump
    - Documentation: YES, a 300+ page user guide and full API documentation

    It has a nice Documentation and also I can able to get help through mailing List provided by Yellow Duck.

    Interested people please try….


  119. Ingredients for Successful Open Source Projects Says:

    […] Hopefully the PHP community will get behind a framework and make it happen.  If you know any PHP developers, encourage them to lend a hand.  There is no reason why PHP on Trax or some other PHP Framework can’t rival Ruby on Rails…as Mark Evans my friend and fellow co-founder of the mesh conference says, “it takes a community to raise a child.”  […]

  120. destroy_all žurnāls Says:

    PHP ramis (framework)

    Dēļ sava slinkuma jau ilgāku laiku esmu centies atrast kautcik sakarīgu php rāmi. Daži ir izmēģināti vai vismaz ir papētīts kods. Turpinājumā mazs ieskats.
    CakePHPAtbalsta PHP4, PHP5. Cik zinu latvijā dominē PHP4 versija, bet PHP5 …

  121. anonymous Says:

    Prado is the only framework that can be considered a real framework by commertial companies.

  122. Ingredients for Successful Open Source Projects Says:

    […] of the mesh conference says, “it takes a community to raise a child.” Trackback | Permalink | |     Leave a comment Name: […]

  123. » Framework, to do or not … Says:

    […] I have been looking at some php frameworks out there right now, and i must say while some seem to be very promissing, others incomplete and some just now moving with today’s technoligies. I was reading this review about the major player on this area. I must agree with the end conclusion for a couple of reason. […]

  124. AsGoodAsItGets Says:

    PHP Cake supportes multiple *predefined* databases (you need a driver).
    For example, you can’t use OCI and Oracle (or can you?).

  125. Quickfinch: The Blog - Why I Chose Ruby on Rails over PHP Says:

    […] The web development framework for Ruby is Rails. Sure, there are lots of frameworks out there for PHP and some of them even try to mimic Rails quite a bit. Choice in frameworks sounds great but in practice it can be quite frustrating. With attention divided across competing projects, it’s inevitable that all the frameworks suffer. Instead of being able to focus on making one excellent framework, developers on these competing teams are duplicating efforts far too often. The end result of competing frameworks in the same development platform is normally a good, but not great, collection of frameworks. There is enough competition between the web frameworks across different development platforms to keep innovation moving at a rapid pace. […]

  126. Joe S Says:

    You should have a look to this Ruby on Rails port to PHP.

    They have ported most of the original Ruby On Rails to PHP + added i18n. Even RoR API documentation has been ported. I feel that this framework can gain popularity quickly as most RoR tutorials, cheat-sheets, videos and manuals can be easily adapted.

    The only concern is that this is a ONE man project!!, but I’m sure that a community will grow quickly around it as the fetaures it already provides are quite impressive and will match those needed by many programmers.

  127. My Blog Says:


    PHPEnvironmentWAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP)IDE : PHPEclipse Testhttp://www.

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About the author
Dennis Pallett is the main contributor to PHPit. He owns several websites, including ASPit and Chill2Music. He is currently still studying.
Article Index
  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Zend, Cake, Symfony, Seagull
  3. WACT, Prado, PHP On Trax, ZooP
  4. eZ Components, CodeIgniter
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