How to ‘JMS’ PHP
(Page 2 out of 3)The MantaRay RMI API should be enabled in the configuration of MantaRay, and MantaRay should be started as a standalone before running any PHP scripts:
- Download and unzip the MantaRay messaging toolkit from
- Enable the RMI API by setting enable_rmi_api to true in the default_config.params configuration file.
- Enable the creation of an RMI registry by setting create_rmi_registry to true in the default_config.params configuration file, unless you are using an external RMI registry.
- Set rmi_registry_port to the port that the RMI registry will listen to, in the default_config.params configuration file.
- Set rmi_registry_host_name to the IP address or hostname of the computer where the RMI registry is located (if the registry is local, use �localhost�).
- Start MantaRay by running the class or by running standalone.bat.
To create an instance of the PHP messaging API, a PHP script should include messaging.php like this:
$msg = new messaging('//localhost',10005);
The parameters passed at instantiation are the host name and port number of the MantaRay RMI Registry.
The PHP messaging API includes the following functions:
function enqueue($userKey, $queueName, $message)
Sends $message (string) to a queue with name $queueName (string). $userKey (string) is the
Identifier used by the messaging bus.
function dequeue($userKey, $queueName)
Returns a string message dequeued from the queue with name $queueName (string). $userKey (string) is the identifier used by the messaging bus.
function getQueues()
Returns an array of strings that are the names of queues available on the message bus.
function getTopics()
Returns an array of strings that are the names of topics available on the message bus.
function subscribe($userKey $topicName, $messagesToCash)
Adds a listener to a given $topicName (string). The listener will receive up to $messagesToCash (number) messages. $userId (string) is the identifier used by the messaging bus; use this identifier to get messages with getMessageFromTopic(....)
function getMessageFromTopic($userKey, $topicName)
Gets the messages gathered by the listener on a given $topicName (string). $userKey (string) is the identifier used by the messaging bus used when invoking subscribe(�).
function publishMessage($userKey, $topicName, $msg)
Publishes a $msg (string) to a topic with name $topicName (string). $userKey (string) is the identifier used by the messaging bus.
In the PHPMQ download package there are several examples for both queues and topics.