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RSSBot 12-02-2005 01:00 PM

Professional PHP Blog: The rumors of PEAR's demise are greatly exaggerated
From the Professional PHP Blog today, there's this new post with his perspective on the whole PEAR vs. eZ Components debate that's been going on.

Tobias Schlitt has a lengthy comparison of the new ezComponents and PEAR. He goes to great lengths to show that ezComponents and PEAR do not compete.

I've also seen some ill informed speculation that Zend PHP Framework will kill off PEAR. Um, not gonna happen. PEAR is a library, not a framework. Well, PEAR is a repository of libraries, not a framework. Well, I don't know what PEAR is, but its not a framework.

He... [ read the rest ]

Read the full article on PHPDeveloper - Posted on 01/12/05

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