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PHP MySQL Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution

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Spotlight Customer Reviews

Average Customer Rating: 4.2

Customer Rating: 5
Summary: Best among the lot
Comment: This book is simply the best among the sea of books available today on PHP and MySQL. Anyone wanting to learn how to create a site using the three popular technologies - PHP, Apache and MySQL should buy this book.

What i found most interesting was the LEARNING CURVE - too fast, too ruddy fast that your client will gape at the speed at which you put together his site.

Customer Rating: 5
Summary: Best Book to Learn PHP
Comment: The approach that has been used in this book is not only innovative, but also very methodical and piece-by-piece dissection of how to create
a web site using a combination of PHP, mySQL and Apache.

It should appeal not only to readers who have a prior understanding of PHP, but also to the beginning and intermediate ones who want a rock solid approach to learning PHP to create content driven web sites.

I highly recommend this book for purchase.

Customer Rating: 1
Summary: Another USELESS Book on PHP
Comment: It appears as if most of the earlier reviews for this book were for the first edition. (Which brings up a good question - WHY is this book now useless?)

As with essentially every other book I've spent $40 - $50 for, this one is filled with poor content and code that does NOT work. If you look at the "sample" website for this book that uses the code that this book is supposed to help you build (, many people hit a roadblock by page 28! The site is filed with comments from others who have been stuck on the same problem and can't move on. Perhaps the most revealing question there is "has anyone been successful in getting all the way through the book?" Not surprisingly, no one has answered.

The publisher's site ( also does NOT include an errata sheet (that would be asking too much).

Don't bother buying this one - unless you enjoy throwing another $50 down the toilet. I bought this book based upon the positive reviews found here - little did I realize that the second edition must be worse than the first!