Perl/Tk Pocket Reference

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Average Customer Rating: 5Customer Rating: 5
Summary: Built for Small Trousers
Comment: While desperately hanging on for Mr O'Reilly's 'Learn Perl/Tk', I needed another fix of Perl and up popped this microscopic manual. For such a fantastic language, possibly the basis of all future non-web GUI development, there is a surprising lack of material out there on Perl/Tk, but this book does sterling work to plug that perldoc gap. As an Oracle DBA on Solaris, I now have more GUI database access tools than you can shake a slider at, and most have arisen from my scavenging of ./demos/widget, 'Advanced Perl' and this tiny reference. Once you get the hang of the foreshortened syntax, it's good to be able to flick from widget to widget without trawling through heavy indexes. I do have two complaints though; one, this pocket reference could've contained far more on 'Tiler', 'Table' and a few of the other more esoteric widgets - you could double the size of this book, and still fit it in an ant's lunchbox; two, if Mr O'Reilly delays the release of 'Learn Perl/Tk' again, I'm going to have to learn super Visual Basic J++ on Windows 98 and to hell with the consequences :-). Seriously though, this pocket reference has saved me hours of tracking down camera-shy Perl/Tk FAQs, and if you don't lose it through a small hole in your trousers, it may do the same for you. Top work.