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A beginners introduction to PHP’s file functions

Article posted on February 13th, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

If you’re still new to PHP’s file functions, check out this article, where you will learn almost every aspect of handling files in PHP: reading, writing, copying, deleting, and more!

Handling passwords safely in PHP

Article posted on February 6th, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

In this article Dennis Pallett will talk you through the common pitfalls of password security in PHP, and how to prevent them.

An introduction to XML-RPC in PHP

Article posted on January 29th, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

Learn more about XML-RPC and web services in this tutorial, in which Dennis Pallett will show you how to create your own XML-RPC web service and client.

Creating a SECURE file manager with PHP

Article posted on January 25th, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

In this follow-up tutorial on ‘Creating a file manager with PHP’, Dennis Pallett shows you how to create a completely secure file manager!

Uploading files with PHP

FAQ posted on January 23rd, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

How do I upload a file with PHP?

Creating a file manager with PHP

Article posted on January 22nd, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

This tutorial will show you exactly how to build your own file manager in PHP, allowing you to upload, edit, delete and download files online.

PHP Security: Basic PHP Security

Article posted on January 15th, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

In this article Dennis Pallett talks about the two security principles of PHP: filter input, escape output. Read more to learn about basic PHP security.

Back to basics: PHP & Arrays

Article posted on January 10th, 2006 by Dennis Pallett

No more Ajax, Tags, Web 2.0 or anything else: it’s back to basics with this article on Arrays in PHP, by Dennis Pallett.

Latest Forum Discussions Notes from the php|architect Zend Framework Webcast

Thread posted on December 2nd, 2005 by RSSBot

Over on our very own blog today, there's this new post with a few notes from the latest webcast from php|architect covering the Zend Framework. I...

Chris Shiflett's Blog: PHP Magazine December Issue

Thread posted on December 2nd, 2005 by RSSBot

In this new post from Chris Shiflett today, he looks at the contents of his latest Guru Speak column in the December issue of the PHP Magazine. My...

Professional PHP Blog: The rumors of PEAR's demise are greatly exaggerated

Thread posted on December 2nd, 2005 by RSSBot

From the Professional PHP Blog today, there's this new post with his perspective on the whole PEAR vs. eZ Components debate that's been going...

Robert Peake's Blog: Introducing Design Patterns Now Available

Thread posted on December 2nd, 2005 by RSSBot

Robert Peake has a note today mentioning that his article, "Introducing Design Patterns", has been released in the latest PHP Magazine issue. As I...

Community News: Apache 2.2.0 Released

Thread posted on December 2nd, 2005 by RSSBot

The Apache project has an announcement today about the latest release of their HTTP server - Apache 2.2.0. The Apache Software Foundation and The...